Covid 19

UPDATE 3-30-20

To Our Valued Customers:

This notice is to you inform you that we have had two employees in our Architectural Products Manufacturing area test positive for COVID-19.  They have been away from our workplace since Tuesday, March 24th.  They received their test results late Sunday, March 29th. As a precaution, we closed our entire manufacturing facility on Monday, March 30th (except for some deliveries). We are in the process of hiring a professional cleaning company to thoroughly clean and disinfect our APD manufacturing area and have approved this approach with the Somerset Board of Health.

With these steps in progress we will:

  • Open for business on Tuesday, March 31st in our traditional manufacturing areas of our plant which includes all distribution and assembly operations for 1-3/8 and 1-3/4 interior doors, exterior wood, steel and fiberglass doors, hollow metal and commercial products, windows, cabinets and trim.
  • Open for receiving and shipping
  • Our Architectural Products Manufacturing and Fortress Prefinishing Production areas will remain closed and will reopen on Monday, April 6th.  This area of the plant includes all custom mouldings, Captiva Wood Doors, Cooper stairs, stair parts and our Fortress Prefinish operation.
  • We will limit our production capacity for this week and into next week as we expect that we will have several absences. Our sales reps will communicate with you on your orders.
  • All sales and office functions will remain open.  We continue to encourage employees to work from home, while being available to our customers at their normal phone numbers.

Stay well and be safe.

Peter Humphrey


Important Information on Deliveries

  • Drivers will conduct “tailgate deliveries” where our drivers bring the material to the back of the truck. Personnel at the lumber yard will then remove it from the truck.
  • Once material has been offloaded, our driver will photograph the delivery.
  • If you would like our driver to manage the delivery in any other way, please let them know

UPDATE 3-26-20

Massachusetts Governor Issues Important Clarification on Construction Activities as Essential Services; Municipal Bans on Construction Activity Invalid

In response to the urgent plea of the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Massachusetts and others, Governor Baker this afternoon released the letter attached below from his chief legal counsel to municipal chief executive officers providing guidance as to how his March 23, 2020 Executive Order COVID-19 No. 13, intersects with municipal efforts to address the COVID-19 crisis.

The letter states that “the Order provides that all construction projects are to ‘continue operations during the state of emergency, but to do so with allowance for social distancing protocols consistent with guidance provided from the Department of Public Health’ Local policies, regulations, or directives that provide otherwise are in direct conflict with the Order and should be withdrawn.” (Emphasis added)

Consequently, cities and towns may not impose a ban on construction and may not order work to cease on existing projects. Such actions are in violation of the Emergency Order. A copy of the letter from the governor’s chief legal counsel can be found here.

The letter is accompanied by new health and safety that guidelines that must be adhered to for all construction work. “Commonwealth of Massachusetts COVID-19 Guidelines and Procedures for All Construction Sites and Workers at All Public Work” sets forth protocols that MUST be implemented at all times on all construction sites. In addition, all construction sites MUST conduct a Safety Stand Down day to disseminate these guidelines to all employees and workers. Those guidelines and procedures can be found here.

UPDATE 3-25-20

Cleary Millwork / Wholesale Doors serves all of New England, Eastern NY and Long Island. Currently NY, CT, and MA are under statewide orders with construction businesses exempted. As a provider of millwork products to residential and commercial businesses throughout this region, Cleary / Wholesale Doors remains open in our manufacturing facility in Somerset, MA.

We will continue to be open for business during the COVID-19 pandemic for as long as it is safe to do so. The majority of our office and sales staff have been working remotely from home taking calls, providing quotes, and entering orders. Our manufacturing plant is operating on two shifts producing products to ship to our customers. We have available capacity in our Interior Door, Steel & Fiberglass Doors, and Hollow Metal shops.

Each day is a moving target for all of us and we will do our best to fulfill orders and ship them to you. We are receiving notices by the hour from suppliers around the world that we buy from – while some are fully operational, there are others that are closed. The supply chain situation will be monitored and reviewed daily.

Please check back here regularly for any changes or contact your Outside or Inside Sales Rep. If your company is closing or has changes to policies that will impact deliveries to you, please let us know as soon as possible.

Following is a Delivery Process that we are implementing immediately.

  • Drivers will conduct “tailgate deliveries” where our drivers bring the material to the back of the truck. Personnel at the lumber yard will then remove it from the truck.
  • Once material has been offloaded, our driver will photograph the delivery.
  • If you would like our driver to manage the delivery in any other way, please let them know

Thank you for putting your trust with us. We are confident we will get through this together. Be safe!

UPDATE 3-16-20

Throughout the US and the world, leaders are taking measures to eliminate the spreading of the coronavirus. We are taking measures at all Cleary/Wholesale Doors locations to ensure proper safety measures while we remain open for business.We have instructed our employees to:

  • Stay home from work if they are sick, have a known health risk, have been exposed to anyone recently diagnosed with the coronavirus or are generally concerned about their health.
  • Work from home if they are able to, to care for children who are now out of school or day care.
  • Limit personal touch and handshakes.
  • Cough and sneeze into their elbow / sleeve when necessary.
  • Wash hands thoroughly in warm, soapy water
  • Wash down their work areas on a daily basis


  • We have put an indefinite hold on all company meetings.
  • We have postponed any vendor visits or training until further notice.
  • We are working with all suppliers to assure access to all materials needed to build products for our customers.

We respect our customer’s wishes to not have our sales reps in their offices and showrooms during this period. Our trucks will continue to make deliveries to lumberyards that are accepting them and will abide by the protocol in place.

If you have any questions or additional concerns, please call or email your sales rep or call 800-899-4533 (Cleary) or 800-225-4252 (Wholesale Doors). Thank you for your continued support as we all manage through this uncertain time together.